What is the Procedure for a Beard Transplant in Beverly Hills?

As a man, having a full beard gives you confidence and boosts your self-esteem. If you can't grow a beard, learn more about beard transplants in this post.

Men with full beards have it easy in society because a beard has many positive attributes for men. Men with full beards are seen as confident, sexy, masculine, authoritative, and brave. No wonder many men are now looking for various procedures and treatments to restore their beard if it has reduced to grow. If you love having a full beard and can't grow any, you need to know that all isn't lost and you can quickly restore your beard.

Various treatments and procedures are available at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic to help you reconstruct or patch up to improve your beard density. A Beard transplant in Beverly Hills offers the best option. You can choose to go for medication, but the problem is that once you start taking hair restoration medicine, you will have to continue taking it for the rest of your life if you want to maintain growth. Other procedures such as beard micropigmentation only create an illusion of a beard, not a natural one.

The beard transplant procedure is the best option for restoring your beard. Many men choose to go for the beard transplant in Beverly Hills procedure because it offers a permanent solution to beard loss with only one or two sessions. Another benefit of having the beard transplant procedure is that the FUE beard transplant technique allows your surgeon to customize the results to meet your beard restoration goals.

In this post, we shall explore the beard transplant procedure to help you understand how it is done at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration and its benefits. Continue reading for more information about the beard transplant procedure.


What is a beard transplant?

There are several beard restoration procedures and treatments. Of all the courses, a beard transplant in Beverly Hills offers the best solution. This method of facial hair transplantation involves harvesting graft hairs from one area of the body to the beard region. Since the hair that grows behind the head is resistant to hair loss, most beard restoration surgeons extract hair from this area to implant them in the jawline of a beard or in the other places on the face that require facial hair. 

Besides the back of the head, there are other areas where healthy hair may be harvested. They include the chest and the pubic regions. So, how is a Beard transplant in Beverly Hills done? 


How a Beard Transplant is Done 

Before you seek the beard transplant procedure, you first need to seek a medical opinion from your dermatologist. Since hair and beard grow in and out of the skin, a dermatologist will be in a better position to tell you what is causing your beard or hair loss. There are various reasons why your beard is not growing correctly or not growing at all. They may be affected by hormones, genetics, or other underlying medical conditions. Whatever the cause, the dermatologist will diagnose and give you the reason. After diagnosis, the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment or procedure to restore your hair or beard.

If the doctor refers you to a hair specialist for a beard transplant procedure, the surgeon may decide to use one of the two beard transplant techniques: the FUE beard transplant technique and the FUT facial hair transplant technique. Let's look at these two techniques to see which works better to restore your beard. 


  • The FUT Beard Transplant Technique 

Both the FUT and FUE beard transplants involve removing donor grafts from one area of the body and transferring them to the beard region. Follicular unit transplantation of the beard consists of cutting out a scalp strip from the back of the head containing healthy hair. The surgeon dissects the strip into follicular units and transplants them to the beard area. The downside of using the strip surgery procedure to restore a beard is that it will leave a linear scar in the donor area. After the transplantation, the patient will have to wait 12 months to experience a complete transformation. 


  • FUE Beard Transplant Technique 

FUT stands for follicular unit extraction. This beard transplant procedure involves extracting hair from the donor area and moving it to the beard region. The surgeon will use a micro-punch device during extraction to cut out individual hair follicles. Once enough hair follicles are extracted, the doctor will transfer them to the beard region. Although the final result will take time to show, it will be natural, customized, and permanent. 



All is not lost if you can't grow a full beard naturally. You can opt for the beard transplant in Beverly Hills procedure offered at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic in Los Angeles. You will get excellent results that guarantee permanence and a natural look. However, consulting with your doctor will allow you to find out what is causing your beard loss condition. Our dermatologist will perform extensive tests and provide you with the best suitable beard restoration procedure. 



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