How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Laravel Developer?

Read this blog to explore how much cost it will take when you hire a laravel developer.

Laravel is one of the best PHP-based website-building frameworks in the market. It holds a 0.37 percent market share among the web frameworks and is used by almost 678,633 active websites. Some of the most famous names that use Laravel-based websites include Barchart, with over 3.7 million users; Invoice Ninja, with over 170K users; and Allison, with over 20 million users. The platform offers many features, such as support from a large community, eloquent ORM, object-oriented libraries, and many more that Laravel development solutions use to design a robust website.

The Factors Influencing the Hiring Cost of a Laravel Developer

So, hiring them will be an excellent decision to achieve a functional and robust website. But you have to be aware of the hiring costs. For example, when you hire Laravel developers from the USA, they may charge you between $29 to $100. While hiring developers from Europe may cost you $ 26 to $66 per hour. These hiring costs vary depending on various factors like the developers' experience and skills, the project's complexity and location, and many more. 

Experience Skills of Laravel Developer

The skill set posses by Laravel developers and their experience in the field directly impact their hiring cost. Junior Laravel developers are often hired by companies at lower prices as they have limited experience. On the contrary, senior developers with years of experience in Laravel development at hired at higher prices. This is also because such developers possess expertise, experience in complex projects, and a broader skill set.

Apart from these, Laravel developers have extensive portfolios and, with some specific certifications, are also hired by Laravel development solutions and other companies at higher prices.

The Complexity of the Laravel Project

The complexity of your web development project also plays a vital role in estimating the hiring cost of the Laravel developers. When you have to make a lot of customizations or add more complex features to your website, you have to hire dedicated Laravel developers. These developers will, of course, will, charge higher costs to work on the project. These costs further keep on increasing when your projects require advanced features, integration with third-party apps, or intricate architecture. All these features demand more expertise and experience, which automatically leads to higher development costs.

Hiring Models

Companies adopt various models to hire Laravel developers like IT staff augmentation, outsourcing, etc. They interview dedicated Laravel development solutions, freelancers, and other teams involved in development processes. When it comes to deciding the hiring cost, freelancers may be hired at relatively lower prices. It is because they have limited resources and a lack of availability. On the contrary, when you think of hiring dedicated Laravel developers, they may ask for higher charges due to the structured support they provide.

Freelancers may charge from $ 20 to $100 per hour. Their development fees depend on their location and expertise. The cost of dedicated teams may vary, but they may charge within the range of $40 to $150 per hour.

Duration of Your Laravel Project

The duration of your Laravel project is also a deciding factor in the hiring costs of its developers. Developers may charge every month. Sometimes, they ask for hourly rates, while others ask for fixed fees based on your project. When extended for a long time, any project will lead to higher development costs. You have to negotiate to lower the fees. When it comes to short-term projects, they may have higher prices.

Geographical Locations of the Developers

The geographical locations of the developers also play a significant role in their hiring charges. Hiring rates vary according to the prevailing market rates and cost of living across countries. You may have to pay higher to hire Laravel developers in the USA. Likewise, hiring cost is relatively higher in Western Europe than in regions like Asia, America, or Europe.


Hiring web development services involves several factors that immensely influence hiring costs. Some of these influencing factors include your project's location, complexity, and the experience of the Laravel developers. In addition, how you approach searching and hiring dedicated Laravel development services also decides the costs. When discussing the hiring approach, you have to think correctly and look into the pros and cons of each model, like outsourcing, freelancing, etc., before making a final decision.

Mosche Amara

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